Daraz wants you to Shake that A** to get Exciting Offers

by Samrat Amatya
Daraz Shake that App

Daraz, over the years, has brought to us various exciting offers and deals. Continuing on that trend, Daraz is here with their new ‘Shake that A**’ Campaign. And no, it is not what you think. The A** actually stands for ‘APP’ which, in our opinion, is a genius marketing stunt. A catchy ploy on Daraz’s part! You can literally shake the App to get amazing deals and discounts.

Coolpad Cool 10A Ad


Yes, Starting this 8th of April Daraz is hosting their ‘Shake that App Offer’. By going into the Daraz App and shaking it, you guys can win various gift vouchers.

So how does it work?

Well, to play you need to open the Daraz App from the 8th of April to the 12th of April. During the time span, you get a total of 3 shakes per day. The first shake takes place between 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM, the second at 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM, and the last at 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM. During these time, open the Daraz app to find Daz, Daraz’s Mascot, with a little Shake Now banner on your home page.


You then need to as fast as you can during the game time. Remember the more you shake the better you win. At the end of the game, you get vouchers for the purchase of different brand made products. You can use them during check out from the 10th to the 17th of April.

Some of the Terms and Conditions of the game are:

  • Shake Shake will be live from 8th to 12th April daily from 10:30 AM to 9:30 PM.
  • Users can win a min. of 1 Voucher Daily.
  • Users can participate 8 times during the timeslot.
  • This feature is available on .

Daraz Shake that App

The ‘Shake that A**’ campaign from Daraz looks like a cool game to take part in. Besides, you can win various gifts and discount vouchers. Adding to that, you can also take advantage of Daraz’s Nawa Barsha Dhamaka which is happening real soon. A catchy marketing strategy on Daraz’s part!

So are you ready to Shake that App? Well, do let us know in the comment section down below. And while you are at it, like our Facebook page and subscribe to our Youtube channel.

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