Who doesn’t like clicking pictures? Well, except for some exceptional people, we all love taking pictures when we travel, see something interesting, with our friends and on multiple occasions. Wouldn’t it be awesome if all our pictures turn exactly the way we want? However, sometimes it takes a lot of effort to get that perfect shot. But, with the help of some tricks and tips, we can improve our photography skills. Let’s explore them, shall we?
How to Take Better Photos From your Smartphone
1. HDR Mode
In our smartphone, there is a special mode in photography called the HDR mode. It is used in those situations when there is a low contrast in lighting. While clicking pictures in a dark background or under a bright sky, HDR mode can be used. It uses three photos taken at different exposures and blends the images to give one best properly exposed image. It basically helps in improving the picture quality by adding more dynamic color to the shot. However, HDR should not be used if the subject of the picture is moving and in the case of high contrast scenes.
2. Play with your Camera Settings
While clicking pictures, change few settings according to the scenario. Sometimes over-reliance on the default setting will not pay off. For instance, while clicking outside, we can use daylight or cloudy options and fluorescent while clicking a picture inside. You can also change your exposure on the basis of the lightning. Play with the scene mode, white balance, and exposure that fit into the situation to capture that perfect shot.

3. Use Filters in Moderation
Every time we click a picture, we have the tendency to add filters and edit it. However, this does not improve your picture all the time. Some filters are way dramatic and they can actually make your picture look bad. Go subtle in terms of editing your picture. Keep it natural. While choosing the filters choose the one that does not change the beauty of the original picture. Avoid using a way lot of combinations of filters to edit the picture. Remember, we use filters to enhance the picture, not ruin its beauty.
4. Focus
This hack is something that we must use while clicking pictures if the subject keeps on moving and we are finding it difficult to focus on the subject. If you tap and hold it for a while it will lock the focus. It helps keep the photo shake free giving you a perfect picture. No more problems with focusing on the subject! Pretty amazing, right?
5. Know your Angles
Even if you try to click a perfect portrait using the best settings from your phone, unless and until you know your angles, the picture will not come out the way you have expected. Usually while clicking selfies try to capture your picture from a higher angle. This will make your face much slimmer avoiding the double chin. One of the common mistakes we make while clicking selfies is not knowing our angles and usually shooting pictures from below. This makes you look flatter and the picture is not flattering. Know your best profile. Click more pictures focusing on the right or left profile of your face that is more appealing.

6. Panorama Mode Does the Justice
Panorama mode can be a blessing in certain situations. While trying to capture a beautiful range of mountains or breathtaking scenery, a panorama is the go-to option for you. Even while getting a lot of people in the same frame, a panorama can be very beneficial. However, make sure you hold your mobile steady to capture the perfect picture.
I hope this helped answer you question on how to take better photos from you smartphone. Also the key to improving any skills is to keep practicing. Learn from you error and don’t shy away from trying new ideas.
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