OPPO has launched another mid-range smartphone that comes under Rs. 20,000. The new OPPO A12 features a big screen along with a dual-camera at the back. It has a unique design at the back and it comes with a new Mediatek processor. OPPO A12 still has some shortcomings, so let’s discuss its main features to see if the phone is worth it.
Features & Specifications
In terms of design and build, OPPO A12 comes with a big 6.22-inch IPS LCD screen in a tear-drop notch display. It has a unique pattern at the back which can be a hit or miss for many. Still, the design and build look good in my eyes. As for the resolution, the OPPO A12 screen has an HD+ resolution of 720 x 1520 pixels along with a 19:9 aspect ratio.
OPPO A12 hasn’t skimmed on packing a powerful processor at this price point, as it features the latest Mediatek Helio P35 processor. It has a maximum clock speed of 2.35GHz and is capable of delivering decent performance. The phone is available in two RAM and storage configurations: one is a 3GB RAM and 32GB storage while the high-end one has 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage.
OPPO A12 has a dual-camera setup at the back including a 13MP main camera. The second camera is a 2MP depth sensor used to create bokeh or blurred effects but doesn’t shoot photos separately. At the front, the notch packs a 5MP camera for selfies.
The phone also features a big battery with a 4,230mAh capacity. This much juice will easily last a day with light usage. OPPO A12 also has a fingerprint scanner at the back with a software-based face unlock option. It also comes with Android 9.0 software with ColorOS 6.1 skin on top.
OPPO A12 Price in Nepal
The price of the phone starts at Rs. 18,590 for 3GB/32GB variant. The OPPO A12 price in Nepal for the 4GB/64GB variant is Rs. 20,790.
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