IOS 12: Apple’s biggest announcements

by Saroj Upreti
IOS 12: Apple's biggest announcements

Apple has announced new features of IOS 12 in yesterday’s big WWDC 2018 event. The IOS 12 Beta version is already available for preview. IOS 12 comes with a significant boost in performance, user interface and privacy safeguard. Let’s have a look at their latest feature offering.

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IOS 12: Apple's biggest announcements

Faster Load time

Apple is trying its best to boost performance in its lineup of IOS 12 build. Now, the apps load 40% faster! And the keyboard loads 50% faster than previous IOS versions. The camera app in this build opens 70% faster which is a remarkable feature in this build. The RAM management from Apple has always been top-notch. The app will load buttery smoothly even at the intensive heavy sessions.

Activity Dashboard

Apple introduced a new system feature “Screen Time” that tracks your app usage, time spent on app and user’s addiction level to the app. It’s an activity dashboard that provides flexibility to the user to control themselves of smartphone addiction. This system app allows you to set usage and time limit that reminds you of a notification alert. Its a great handy feature for parental controls also.

Grouped notification

Grouped notification is not really a new feature to Android P users but Apple managed to refine it in a whole new way. You may be quite familiar with the constant interruptions and irritating alert from different apps. Now, this is no longer the for the IOS 12 build! The notifications from an app are now stacked under single notification that makes the notification panel clean and minimalist. Apple has also included an option to deliver notification silently or with vibrations.


The plethora of Animoji characters that were a signature feature of iPhone X is finally making way for other ios devices. Thanks to IOS 12, the previous devices are going to be feature Animojis along with new characters to the addition. A new feature memoji allows users to create their own set of character and animation in IOS 12.

Advance Photo lab

The Apple photo app is a bit tweaked in IOS 12 but it is just an imitation of Google Photos. Basically, this system app reorganizes your best photo shoot, moments and candid pictures into a slideshow. Then this app allows you to share your photo slideshow with your friends. If it’s a group photo, the app identifies your buddies, tags them and provides suggestions to share with them.

Revamped Siri shortcuts

The proprietary Siri assistant now can be assigned with pre-loaded shortcuts with customization option. This shortcut allows Siri to perform the task autonomously at the command of user voice activation. The shortcuts are really a series of automated tasks stacked upon single voice command. Another great feature for lazy brats.

Revamped stock and iBook app

Apple is bringing real-time stocks and trade info into its newly built stock app. Apple launched its iBook app renaming as apple books featuring its own bookstore.

Measure app

Apple launched a new app called measure that takes some measurement of the objects. You have to make sure that the object fits into the frame, tap it and the app does the work for you. The measure app utilizes some AR capabilities to take the measurements accurately.

IOS 12 beta version is already available for the testing and supports even 2013 model of iPhone 5s. Hats off to this Apple for rolling updates even to the old generation models.

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